学生支援センター国際交流 学生支援センター国際交流






We believe that the cultural awareness through study abroad and other international experiences may not only benefit your academic progress, but also foster your sensitivity to the diversity of cultures, people, history and lifestyle, and enrich your own life. The international center staff works to maximize the benefits of study abroad programs and international academic exchange programs.

スタッフ Our staff


 学生支援センター国際交流担当者 教授 河村 孝幸(カワムラ タカユキ) Professor Kawamura Takayuki, Vice-director


ブライアン?スターキー 講師 Brian Starkey, International Coordinator & Instructor

I specialize in linguistics. I am from Portland, Oregon, USA and have lived in Sendai for over 10 years. I currently teach English and help with coordinating international exchange programs. I enjoy playing and listening to music and also like to cook.
蘇 姍姍 事務職員(スー サンサン) Su Shanshan, International Coordinator

I am from China, and have been living in Japan since I was a high school student. I am a former TFU graduate and am responsible for TFU relations with Chinese counterparts. I like eating, cleaning and playing with children. I love my family so much.
岩村 綾 事務職員(イワムラ アヤ) Aya Iwamura, International Coordinator

I graduated from University in the U.S.A., and finished my master’s degree at TFU graduate school. I love watching movies, drinking a glass of wine with blue cheese, and spending time at a neat café with a cup of coffee. I am crazy about my cat.
コノネンコ?アレクセイ 事務職員 Kononenko Alexei, International Coordinator

I am from Russia. After studing Oriental Studies and Cultural Anthropology at the university I have been working in numerous international projects as interpretor and coordinator. Now I employ my knowledge and experience to make TFU an international player.


学生支援センター 国際交流
住所:〒981-8522 宮城県仙台市青葉区国見1?8?1
Tohoku Fukushi University Student Support Department International Academic Exchange Support Division
住所:1-8-1 Kunimi Aoba-ku Sendai-shi Miyagi, Japan 981-8522
TEL:+81 22 301 1296
FAX:+81 22 301 1246